Volpone ou a arte do engano...
Genial - "Volpone ou a arte do engano", uma peça de Ben Jonson (e não Ben Johnson, como nos alterta o Jansenista), adaptada para o cinema com o título "Honey Pot" (1967), com actores como Rex Harrison e Cappucine. Uma peça a não perder, para compreender a riqueza/pobreza da natureza humana. Senão vejamos:
"Volpone - Good morning to the day; and next, my gold!—
Open the shrine, that I may see my saint.
Hail the world’s soul, and mine! more glad than is
The teeming earth to see the long’d-for sun
Peep through the borns of the celestial Ram,
Am I, to view thy splendour darkening his;
That lying here, amongst my other hoards,
Shew’st like a flame by night, or like the day
Struck out of chaos, when all darkness fled
Unto the centre. O thou son of Sol,
But brighter than thy father, let me kiss,
With adoration, thee, and every relick
Of sacred treasure in this blessed room.
Well did wise poets, by thy glorious name,
Title that age which they would have the best;
Thou being the best of things, and far transcending
All style of joy, in children, parents, friends,
Or any other waking dream on earth:
Thy looks when they to Venus did ascribe,
They should have given her twenty thousand Cupids;
Such are thy beauties and our loves! Dear saint,
Riches, the dumb god, that giv’st all men tongues,
Thou canst do nought, and yet mak’st men do all things;
The price of souls; even hell, with thee to boot,
Is made worth heaven. Thou art virtue, fame,
Honour,-and all things else. Who can get thee,
He shall be noble valiant, honest, wise—
Mosca - And what he will, sir. Riches are in fortune
A greater good than wisdom is in nature.
Volpone - True, my beloved Mosca. Yet I glory
More in the cunning purchase of my wealth,
Than in the glad possession, since I gain
No common way; I use no trade, no venture;
I wound no earth with plough-shares, fat no beasts,
To feed the shambles; have no mills for iron,
Oil, corn, or men, to grind them into powder:
I blow no subtle glass, expose no ships
To threat’nings of the furrow-faced sea;
I turn no monies in the public bank,
Nor usure private."
Guilherme Oliveira Martins | sexta-feira, novembro 05, 2004 |